Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Dream journal - Flying blue brain-shaped fish

Time to start a dream journal. Maybe, I can remember to do this enough to be able to do some lucid dreaming.

Last night's dream was interesting. It involved a brightly colored (primarily blue, with some red... kind of neon-like) brain-shaped fish with hundreds of long spaghetti-like "tentacles". Somehow, it's aquarium got drained of water (I remember thinking the fish looked bloated, and speculated it had somehow drank all the water), so it decided to kind of float in the air. My mind got a bit confused at this, and I kind of remember a few back-and-forth's between the house being full of water with me breathing under water, and the fish simply flying in the air. My mind settled on the fish flying (though I'd occasionally see air bubbles).

It was constantly trying to get above me, to engulf me in it's tentacles (I sensed no malice... so no, it wasn't trying to eat me, lol). I thought this was gross, and it wasn't mine, so I was trying to get it back into the aquarium, and fill it back up with water. I was unable to accomplish this, however, because it kept getting larger and larger; requiring me to use larger and larger buckets to catch it and try to keep it in the tank.

Every time I got it into the tank, some of it's tentacles would extend beyond the edge of the bucket, preventing me from keeping the bucket pressed down with much force (I didn't want to hurt it). So, every time I started getting water back into the tank, it would escape again, grow larger, and continue to chase me.

The dream ended with it escaping yet again.

The start of the dream, had me and a person (a woman?) tending to a friend's pets while the friend was away. There was a black cat that was in an aquarium, with only it's head just above water (my mind couldn't decide where to put the cat, I partially remember it sometimes being outside of a tank, like a normal cat). Leading up to where I started this post, the cat teleported into the tank with the brain-shaped fish, and there were also 2-3 (or more?) other fish in the same tank.

I turned around, and then the tank suddenly only had 1-2 inches of water, and the extra fish were dead or dying. I tried rescuing the fish, by trying (and failing) to add water. Also, after rushing back with water, I noticed the cat had eaten the extra fish (with plenty of blood in the remaining water). Also, at this point, the brain-shaped fish started floating out of the tank, and this is the point I started the post at.

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